We create your own printed world from a photo of you. Under certain technical specifications

Legna: Art & Decor

ia sensual printed images

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About Us

Legna: Art & Decor

We create your own printed world from a photo of you. Under certain technical specifications

We are a company dedicated to visual art and printed decoration, we create our own and very creative images , merging Photoshop and Leonardo AI generating fantastic scenarios either sublime or terrifying starting from photography where we introduce each person to a universe of their own with unique and non-repeatable elements. Our models are real people, which are illuminated in a very specific way for each scenario created.  .,  we create images   .  .  .  based on photography donde introducimos  a  cada  persona  real  a  un  universo  propio   con elementos únicos y no repetibles. Nuestras modelos son personas reales, which are illuminated in a very specific way for each scenario created.

Our products

sensual images created by us and the ia

Each image reflects alternate worlds with girls

Our photography and video production company decides to create this innovative platform using all its resources, recording studio, female models, large format printing equipment and imported materials for an exhibition finish. As a first step we illuminate the model according to the creation of the environment we have in mind, after this we proceed to the long process of merging both parts gradually integrating the surrounding elements. In a certain period of time we increase our catalog and we also receive proposals from customers to elaborate new ideas.


Every month new images ! 


Flexible and moldable element to the body, we are born submerged and emerge to the earth to interact with everything that makes us feel, the naked skin perceives the world differently, it is vulnerable, loses resistance and understands its fragility in every environment that surrounds it.


We live with it and we return to it, the human being does not understand his need and takes refuge behind his covers that give him protection, but in the end time defeats them and the earth returns to pick up each being that lived on it.


In every religion, in every legend, in every fable hell is present, it exerts fear and warning where the flesh is most vulnerable and nakedness leaves your emotions at the total mercy of evil, confronting yourself with your most hidden secrets.


The promise of every savior, of every spiritual guide and the relief of the devout and faithful, described as a magical and sublime place since ancient times with different levels and in different ways, a place where we are real and eternal, fashion and luxuries disappear and your stay and consequences will depend on the wisdom of your soul.


what they say about my work

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Proin euismod sodales ante, non rhoncus magna maximus ut. Mauris varius dolor sed nisi pharetra, et hendrerit ligula mollis. Suspendisse cursus nisi sit amet magna imperdiet, ut lobortis dui molestie

Dyas Kardinal Designation

Proin euismod sodales ante, non rhoncus magna maximus ut. Mauris varius dolor sed nisi pharetra, et hendrerit ligula mollis. Suspendisse cursus nisi sit amet magna imperdiet, ut lobortis dui molestie

Elsa Verina Designation

Proin euismod sodales ante, non rhoncus magna maximus ut. Mauris varius dolor sed nisi pharetra, et hendrerit ligula mollis. Suspendisse cursus nisi sit amet magna imperdiet, ut lobortis dui molestie

Kumto Warming Designation

Proin euismod sodales ante, non rhoncus magna maximus ut. Mauris varius dolor sed nisi pharetra, et hendrerit ligula mollis. Suspendisse cursus nisi sit amet magna imperdiet, ut lobortis dui molestie

Puri Maha Designation
ia sensual


For promotion free shipping !!!!


US$ 450


US$ 550

Photographic paper

US$ 350

Photographic paper

US$ 400



If you have any questions, please contact us!

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